Guess what? Growing delicious culantro from seeds couldn't be easier!
You just have to:
- Get any kind of container that can hold soil and has drainage. If it doesn't have drainage, get a pair of scissors or a knife and punch in some holes. Honestly, even a plastic cup will do (that's what I used!)
- Fill it with growing media- I use our coco coir to sprout the seeds, but any kind of potting mix (without chunky materials) is fine.
- Add water until its moist (not dripping wet, just damp to the touch)
- Add food for your plant babies. Honestly, you don't need to do this, as seeds will sprout without much, but I like to add a little bit of worm castings (worm poop!) to keep them well fed. The good thing about worm castings is that it is completely natural, does not smell, is high in nutrients, and there's no such thing as adding too much (so there's no risk of burning your plants by over doing it).
- Add the seeds. I threw in about 20 seeds in this cup. No need to use that many, I just like to see a bunch of culantro grow together.
- Cover with a bit of soil or just press down the seeds a bit into the soil.
- Add water to ensure seeds have enough to kickoff germination
- Place under a grow light or in a very sunny and warm spot.
That's it!
Actually, now comes the hardest part. Now, you have to wait. My seeds started sprouting in about 13 days, but it can take more or less time depending on the environment they're growing in. Don't despair, they'll be there soon!

Fresh culantro can be hard to find, but it is easy to grow so consider getting some seeds and growing your own. The flavor is out of this world! I absolutely love it. Get yours today.